Safety cage, one shown in raised position, one shown in lowered position
All bolted connections accessible from the safety of the maintenance platform, no scaffolding required for removal on major shutdowns

Safety cage in lowered position for maintenance personal safety
Trommel panel change out was a critical path for shutdowns. Panels loaded individually from ground level using mobile crane, limited to one panel on one trommel at a time.
Cost saving, speed up trommel panel change out to increase production time.
Concept and Features Developed by PEA
Build maintenance platform for dedicated panel change out area:
- Lay down area for new panel baskets, panels baskets loaded prior to shut down.
- Replace panels on both trommel’s simultaneously by installing Jib Cranes.
- Drop down cages to allow safe entry for maintenance personal.
- Structure is required to be removable without scaffolding:
- Top bracing for easy access.
- Platforms have lifting points with guide pins for easy installation and then bolted in situ.
- Stairways have lifting points with guide pins for easy installation and then bolted in situ.
Client Interface and Initial Concept Development
Paul van Ryn (Wollongong Office)
Development, Design and Inventor Modelling
Derek Longley (Wollongong Office)
Structural Design
Yannis Zaranis (Wollongong Office)
Inventor Drawing Detailing
Derek Longley & Zis Anastas (Wollongong Office)
FMG Design and Drafting Standards
Adrian Musson (Perth Office)